Why use WordPress?

Posted by Hugh on October 14, 2013 in ePortfolio, Reflection |

I decided early that I would use the free tool WordPress to develop and run my ePortfolio. The benefits include easily added content, content can be manipulated and a relevant theme applied and built in structure. See my technology pitch on 10 December 2013 in my eportfolio. I set up the ePortfolio and applied a free theme. I tweaked the images of theme to give it a more personal feel by adding images og my children and other images relevant to me.

When putting information up on this site I have to remember that quality was better than quantity and that people expected interactive sites (Allen 2007:P55). Accessibility is another factor and with the use of screen readers, cascading style sheets and language packages the site can be view by any device or even restricted. Types of devices include PC’s, laptops, tablets and smart phones being potential devices that could be used to access this resource. I found a plug-in for WordPress that can render the device differently on the small screen with mainly text.

Plug-ins make the site more functional, such as display on mobile devices. Themes allow me make the site more visually appealing.

I looked at other tools such as Mahara, Wix.com and Google sites. However as I was just starting the Master I opted for WordPress as I had used it before and felt I did not have time to learn a new system. In saying that I believe it is the best tool for the job and I have been able to assist a couple of class colleagues with their ePortfolios.




Allen M. (2007), Designing Successful e-Learning: Forget What You Know About Instructional Design and Do Something Interesting, Pfeiffer, San Franciso.

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