Tech Finds Its Voice: The Future of Virtual Assistants.

Posted by Hugh on February 11, 2014 in Annotated, References, Trends in eLearning |

Bajarin, B 2014, ‘Tech Finds Its Voice: The Future of Virtual Assistants’, Time.Com, p. 1, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 February 2014.

This article details how smart phone are not really that smart. They process data we give them OK but they do not make decisions based on it, for example they are smart enough to give driving direction id a location is input in to your calendar but if you are driving around lunch time a truly smart phone would suggest places to eat en-route.

This article also states that technology in the future will have a brain and also a voice. It would attract your attention by speaking to you and giving suggestions verbally, for instance when driving, to allow you to make a decision.

I believe there is merit in the argument that at the moment smartphones are not that smart. However in time they will progress to being able to process certain information and make suggestions as the one quoted above from the article where the phone will decide I need to stop for lunch between meetings as it already is aware of what time I eat lunch and will make recommendations.

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