Instructional Design and eAuthoring

Posted by Hugh on December 6, 2013 in Instructional Design and eAuthoring, Reflection |

Damien’s lecture style is very different to what I am use to,  it was such a shock to have someone so lively (no offence to other lecturers) and bubbly at the top of the room and the statements that go against the grain are fantastic; like only do what you need to do; its pass/fail 1% over a pass is as good as 30% over.

I think I am starting to see Damien’s teaching style, it is not just stand up and lecture but a more collaborative approach. The way he uses technology may seem random but he uses a lot in little time. I had a look at his teaching strategy on Webcourses and can now see where he wants us, his students, to go. take risks and learn by mistakes, that is how we can broaden our horizons.

By not giving handouts during class I find myself having to put a lot more thought into these session. That is to say, if I got handout I would probably – with the best of intentions – leave them until later to tidy up. However with these classes I have found that to understand the concepts being presented I have top go to Damien’s slideShare and find relevant presentation for what I am confused with. When I have gone this far I keep Googleing and looking at references provided to understand the concepts. This is ensuring encoding of schema into my long term memory. good ploy Damien.


1 Comment

  • Damian Gordon (@damiantgordon) says:

    Thanks for this, yes, your review is almost exactly correct, when I was in college I had a lecturer who spoke very quietly so that everyone had to lean in close and focus very closely, so I guess every lecturer has little tricks to make the lessons as focused as possible.

    Today I spent most of the day rewriting the notes I’m going to use for class on Tuesday, and also I was looking for technologies or videos that might be suitable for the class. So my real secret is that I rehearse my lectures a lot so that I am very confident with the material and that allows me to be very open to listening to what students are saying and being able to pull a bit of technology out to explain what’s happening. I want to rehearse so much that it must apear “in the moment”, and not robotic. I have to admit also that in some of my classes (moreso for undergraduates that postgrads) I pretend things are occurring much more spontaneously than they actually are to keep people paying attention and to make the experience seem like a live experience.

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