Learning Theories Reflection

Posted by Hugh on November 1, 2013 in Learning Theories, Module Reflection, Reflection |

Looking at different learning theories was very interesting as I have never came across them before. I had covered learning style before such as Honey & Mumford and VARK, I was interested to see how they intertwined with each other.

I was Interested to see how each theory could be applied in practice by remembering different situations and different people and how they learnt how to do something. I remembers toilet training puppies and how that was very behaviouristic. I am also a Scout leader and looked at how we teach youth members and could see how when they first come into the Scouts a behaviouristic approach is applied but as they gain knowledge a cognitive approach is used to help them link previous knowledge to new learning. Constructivism and Communities of Practices are also utilised. All these experiences made the subject more relevant and enjoyable.

Vygosky’s Zone of Proximal Development struck a chord with me as I believe that everyone on the course has reached a point in their learning that they now know they need help to take the next step in the area of elearning. In my new role in work I am a trainer and think that this will be of vital importance in this role also.

One of the theories that stood out to me was Knowles theories of andragogy. In this theory he stated there are nine principles for adult learning. However I believe that these principles can be applied to 13/14 year olds in Scouting. I acknowledge that Knowles was looking at formal education and Scouting is informal education. I also believe however that the changes to the junior cycle of secondary education is leaning more toward an andragogical approach.

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