Learning Theroies Week 2
This week in the Learning Theories lecture we looked at the different theories in more depth. I found it interesting as volunteer in a youth organisation that I could equate the theories depending on age of the learner.
For example, a simple think as tying a knot is straight forward to an adult and I would use a blend of the cognitive and constructivism theories. However while teach the same knot to a youth member I would employ more of behaviourism and constructivism blend. Youth members needing a lot more support and recognition for small advances.
We were given a lot of good resources to look at with the main authors in the field being Carlile & Jordan. Other authors in the field include Skinneer, Chomsky, Bruner, Piaget, Papert, Vygotsky and Laurillard. Kolb, Knowles, Gagne and Bloom devised models that will be useful.
Lev Vygotskys Zone of Proximal Development struck a cord with me as I believe my participation in this course is to further my understanding of eLearning. I had identified that I did not have the required knowledge and needed a boost to get me to the next level.
Tags: behaviourism, cognivism, construtivism, learning theories, social construtivism
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