
Here is a list of Modules I have done in the Course.

Core Modules

Optional Modules

  • Creativity and Critical Thinking 
  • Supporting Virtual Communities 
  • Strategic, Project and Change Management of eLearning 
  • Trends in eLearning 
  • Academic Writing and Publishing 

Core Modules

 Professional Development [15 ECTS] Dr Roisin Donnelly, Dr Jen Harvey
This Professional Development module aims to allow the participant to examine, analyse and capture their journey as professionals in developing their skill and knowledge of their discipline in practice as well as their developments as third level lecturers and eLearning practitioners. This is a new and refreshing way to undertake a module as it combines just-in-time independent learning with a professional interview.

 Learning Theories [5 ECTS] Dr Roisin Donnelly, Dr Claire McAvinia
This module will provide both an overview of the current and emerging third level learning and teaching landscape including the eLearning perspective within a context of the knowledge economy, globalisation and the resultant student diversity. A grounding in relevant learning theories will be used to create the foundations for the MSc Applied eLearning and participants will be expected to embed their understanding in their own authentic, professional practice.

 Instructional Design and eAuthoring [10 ECTS] Mr Damian Gordon & Dr Claire McDonnell
Participants will design and develop useful and interactive elearning resources or activities underpinned by pedagogical best practice. Working in small groups allows the exploration of relevant topics to practice, and a range of previous examples can be viewed here:

Research Methods [10 ECTS] Dr Claire McAvinia, Dr Claire McDonnell
Participants will be required to submit a project proposal for an applied eLearning project of their choice which will be reviewed by a panel of tutors. The module is designed to help the student develop research skills and confidence in finding, using and handling information.

eLearning Project Module [30 ECTS] Dr Roisin Donnelly
In the second stage of the MSc in Applied eLearning the participants are required to undertake a major Applied eLearning project, which contributes to their final degree award. This module consists of the development and evaluation of an eLearning resource and ultimately demands a thorough grounding in the theory and practice of eLearning implementation.

 ePortfolio [10 ECTS] Dr Claire McAvinia
Central to the assessment strategy for the programme is the compilation of an ePortfolio by each participant. The ePortfolio is a collection of evidence of consistent work throughout the programme. Its development will be continuously formatively assessed over the 2 year programme. Examples of previous student ePortfolio work can be viewed here:

Optional Modules (Modules offered are varied each year)

Creativity and Critical Thinking [5 ECTS] Dr Jen Harvey, Dr Roisin Donnelly
This new module aims to enable participants to develop an analytical appreciation of the concepts and practical strategies and techniques essential to creative and critcal thinking, with a view to implementing them in their own practice.

 Supporting Virtual Communities [5 ECTS] Dr Roisin Donnelly
This module is delivered entirely online for the 4 week duration. The aim is to explore the development and maintenance of a virtual community of learning by equipping practitioners with the knowledge, competencies, experience and confidence to perform the complex role of an eTutor in an online environment.

 Strategic, Project and Change Management of eLearning [5 ECTS] Dr Jen Harvey
This module provides an opportunity to examine the way elearning can be organised, managed and embedded within different organisational contexts in order to support institutional outcomes.

 Trends in eLearning [5 ECTS] Dr Kevin O’Rourke
This module aims to provide an awareness of emerging trends in pedagogically-driven technologies and practical guidance on how to evaluate and implement these technologies in teaching and learning and professional eLearning practice.

 Academic Writing and Publishing [10 ECTS] Dr Roisin Donnelly, Dr Claire McDonnell
Module participants will hone their written and oral communications skills through extensive research writing practice and presentation. Support will be given on the design and writing of a research paper in a selected area of participant’s practice for inclusion in a target peer reviewed journal of their choice as well as the new Journal of Irish Academic Practice. All participants will also present their research at the annual graduate conference.

We provide everything you need to write consistently and productively: structure, guidance, accountability, coaching feedback, interactivity with peers, and more!

Irish Journal of Academic Practice

Source: DIT webpage

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