The information on this page will reflect the work I have done on my ePortfolio.
Please click here to see general information about the module
Please click here to see my reflections on this module
This ePortfolio is my assignment for this module
Please click here to see references used for this module
Some General Information
What is an ePortfolio?
Cooper & Love (2007, p.267) state:
‘An e-portfolio is a Web-based information management system that uses electronic media and services. The learner builds and maintains a digital repository of artifacts, which they can use to demonstrate competence and reflect on their learning process’ .
Why use WordPress?
Please click here to view my thoughts on WordPress
Cooper, T., & Love, T. (2007). E-portfolios in e-learning. Cited N. A. Buzzetto-More (Ed.), Advanced principles of effective e-learning(pp. 267-292). Santa Rosa, Calif.: Informing Science Press.
The Shannon–Weaver model is one of the earliest … (read more…)