Research Methods References
Allen M website, accessed multiple times Beattie, R. S. (2006). Line managers and workplace learning: Learning from the voluntary sector. Human Resource Development International, 9(1), 99-119. Bell J., (2010), Doing your research project: a guide for first-time researchers in education, health and social science, Open University Press, Maidenhead. Berg, B. (2004). Qualitative research methods […]
Research Methods Assigment
In this module we had to formulate our research question and put in a proposal for our research project for year two. Unfortunately my first proposal was lacking in some key areas however I submitted an amended version and it was passed second time around, see here for module reflection. My submitted assignment was: Introduction […]
Research Methods Module Reflection
This was a very informative module and allow me time to look at the research question. Although I thought I knew what I was going to do I did not realise the amount of detail required. The scope of my project went from vast through to specific and changed on numerous occasions. It was clear […]
Focus Groups
A Focus Group is a group on individual convened for research purposes that relies on the discussions to generate data (Barbour, 2007). Focus groups can be useful in gauging the extent to which there is a shared view amongst a small group of people (Denscombe, 2010). Cousins (2009) agree focus groups can be enriched by […]