Posted by Hugh on November 25, 2013 in
Reflection |
Roisin Guilfoil, a DIT Librarian, gave use a session on the library on how to search for material. She stress the importance of a search strategy and showed us how to devise one using similar terminology to find what we need. She gave us an example of how to do a search and how to […]
Tags: reference, references, reflection
Today we recapped on some design models. Kuhlman (2008) was introduced as a good reference book. in the ADDIE mode the ADD refers to the course developer and evaluation happens throughout not just at the end, see separate post. Biggs constructive alignment and Blooms Taxonomy should be used when developing a course. We were advised […]
Posted by Hugh on November 25, 2013 in
Instructional Design and eAuthoring |
ADDIE is a framework that lists generic processes that designers and training developers use (Morrison et. al., 2010). It represents a guideline for building effective training and performance support tools in five phases of Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate. However Morrison et. al., (2010) state there is no actual one ADDIE model and it […]
Tags: addie, Instructional Design, Instructional Design and eAuthoring, model
Posted by Hugh on November 25, 2013 in
Reflection |
There was a very informative session on an online tool to support student learning called Peerwise. It is a tool used by third level institutions to engage students in the learning process and even devise some of the course work. How to structure multiple choice questions was very informative and some common pitfalls or bad […]
Tags: reflection
This week Instructional Design started to become clearer. I think I am getting use to Damien’s lecture style as well, last week it was such a shock to have someone so lively (no offence to other lecturers) and bubbly at the top of the room and the statements that go against the grain are fantastic. […]
Tags: eAuthoring, Instructional Design, Instructional Design and eAuthoring, reflection
Here I will try to keep a list of the research material I have accessed for this module: (Click here for annotated list) Allen M. (2007), Designing Successful e-Learning: Forget What You Know About Instructional Design and Do Something Interesting, Pfeiffer, San Franciso. Bentosela M., Barrera G., Jakovcevic A, Elgier A.M., Mustaca A.E. (2008), […]
Tags: bibliography, Instructional Design, Instructional Design and eAuthoring, references
Allen M. (2007), Designing Successful e-Learning: Forget What You Know About Instructional Design and Do Something Interesting, Pfeiffer, San Franciso. This book I believe is trying to steer course designers away from the just putting a lot of text up on screen and narrating it and make it appealing to the prospective learner. The author, […]
Tags: annotated, bibliography, eAuthoring, Instructional Design and eAuthoring, reference
Posted by Hugh on November 25, 2013 in
Instructional Design and eAuthoring |
Source: Allen M. (2007), Designing Successful e-Learning: Forget What You Know About Instructional Design and Do Something Interesting, Pfeiffer, San Franciso
Today we had a very informative presentation by Clare Gormley. Clare is a freelance Instructional Designer and she is also a past pupil of the MSc in Applied eLearning. As part of her project she developed the eLearning Tool Kit, htpp://, to try and putting everything a designer would need in one resource. The site […]
Tags: eAuthoring, Instructional Design, Instructional Design and eAuthoring, reflection
We started the new module today Instructional Design and eAuthoring. I am still a bit lost at sea trying to see what we will do in this module. All should be clear over the next few weeks. One thing that was clear was the Group Assignment for the module. We were put into groups and informed […]
Tags: eAuthoring, Instructional Design, Instructional Design and eAuthoring