Why am I doing the course?
Here is a quick video blog of why I am doing the course. Very rough as it is the first one I have ever done. I must go and get a decent microphone. I wanted to complete a Masters Degree Recently changes role in work and appointed Team Lead for elearning DIT course was recommended […]
Why use WordPress?
I decided early that I would use the free tool WordPress to develop and run my ePortfolio. The benefits include easily added content, content can be manipulated and a relevant theme applied and built in structure. See my technology pitch on 10 December 2013 in my eportfolio. I set up the ePortfolio and applied a free […]
Learning Theories Week 3
This week we looked at two Learning theories in detail, Behaviourism and Cognitivism. Behaviourism We looked at behaviourism and the different theories from Pavlov, Thorndike, Skinner, Bandura, Watson and Gagne. Pavlov’s dog experiment shows classic conditioning, where an external stimuli evokes a response, can be used to achieve specific goals. Thorndike’s Law and Effect model states that association […]
Cognitivism Activity
Today in our Learning Theories session a group of us was asked to design a poster about Cognitivism. The poster was to reflect the main elements of Cognitivism and make it eye catching. After some discussion about tools to enable someone to understand Cognitivism, from a list of statements we were given on a sheet, […]
Prior Learning
Please see below my prior learning University College Dublin BBS, Human Resourse Management, Second 2006 – 2010 This business diploma and degree programmes involves a blend of home study and occasional campus attendance underpinned by an infrastructure of student supports. Diploma level (Stage 1) Theme: Fundamentals of Management The Diploma in Business Studies (DBS) introduces the […]
Thoughts, Fears and Motivations
Why am I doing this course? I have been asked to try and put my Thoughts, Fears and Motivations down on paper giving my reasons for doing this course. As this is a personal piece I have chosen to write it in the first person and not the third. Firstly Thoughts, when I was younger I […]