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Journal choice
I decided to choose the European Journal of Training and Development for my Journal. The journal aims to provide all those involved in training with ideas, news, research findings, case examples and discussion on training and development. Every issue of the journal puts the reader right in the midst of the latest thinking. Whatever the area of interest […]
Data analysis
I had to analyse data form my Online Survey and Focus Groups. Online Survey I received a very good analytic report from Google Form giving some very nice pie and bar charts for the likert style questions and a lot of good information from the open questions, see Survey and Questionnaire Design post for more detail. […]
Qualitative Data – Triangulation
Triangulation is the method of viewing things from more than one perspective (Denscombe, 2010) and can help cross checking of more than one source of data in a study (Bryman, 2012; Bell, 2010). Triangulation takes multiple sources of information and maps one one set of data onto another to give a more comprehensive, accurate representation […]
Qualitative Data – Coding
Qualitative data collected from my focus groups has to be analysed and interpreted to establish the common patterns throughout (Miles et. al., 2014; Creswell, 2013; Buchanan & Bryman, 2012; Flick, 2007). This is referred to as coding or categorising (interchangeable terms) and is a key stage in qualitative research (Bryman, 2012) and the categories must be applicable […]
Focus Group 20 Apr 2015
Today I ran a focus group for middle managers. I am going to triangulate the information received from this group with the current course and feed back from line managers and new entrants. This focus group proved very valuable as it reaffirmed that the information included in the current course and additional sessions, based on […]
Focus Group 1 Apr 2015
Today I ran a focus group of new entrants to the Department. As there has been an embargo on recruitment for several years now in the Public sector it was difficult to find them. I had to look at people that had recently transferred from other Government Department or switch roles within the department. There […]
Line managers survey
I have closed my survey now for line managers and I got 161 responses, out of 654 that is a 25% response rate which is very acceptable. I now have some data to analyse and on first glance it is looking rich. I sent the survey using Google Forms and it has provided some good […]
70:20:10 Framework
The 70/20/10 Model for Learning and Development is a learning and development model based on research and observation carried out from the 1960s until present. Morgan McCall and his colleagues working at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) are usually credited with originating the 70:20:10 ratio. Two of McCall’s colleagues, Michael M. Lombardo and Robert W. […]
Ethics Approval
The key principles to research (Bell 2010; Denscombe, 2010; Flick, 2007) are: Respect for the person Beneficence Justice Respect for the person includes informed consent, no deception, individuals privacy respected and accurate reporting of findings. Beneficence means that the research should do good and consider the wellbeing for the participant. Justice looks at the balance […]