Great ideas revisited
Kirkpatrick, D. (1996) Great ideas revisited. Techniques for Evaluating Training Programs. Revisiting Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Model. Training & Development (January 1996) 54-59 Kirkpatrick reviews his own four-level model, regarded as a seminal work in the field of evaluation. While admitting that he has modified the guidelines, he maintains that the model is still valid since it […]
Ilin (2013)
Ilin, G. (2013). Moodle: A Way for Blending VLE and Face-to-Face Instruction in the ELT Context?. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology – TOJET, 12(4), 103-112. This article was about the introduction of blended learning using Moodle into a classroom based course to see how student-teacher interactions could be enhanced. It fits my study […]
Derouin Fritzsche & Salas (2004)
Derouin, R. E., Fritzsche, B. A., & Salas, E. (2004). OPTIMIZING E-LEARNING: RESEARCH-BASED GUIDELINES FOR LEARNER-CONTROLLED TRAINING. Human Resource Management, 43(2/3), This article explores learner lead course and the relevance of elearning. It lists 16 guidelines the would help in the instructional design phase of developing. There is a comparison of third level students and […]
Beattie (2006)
Beattie, R. S. (2006). Line managers and workplace learning: Learning from the voluntary sector. Human Resource Development International, 9(1), 99-119. This article highlights the significance the manger plays in helping people develop. They are the facilitators of learning in the work place. I believe that as the managers role is so critical then a tool […]
Korte (2010)
Korte, R. (2010). ‘First, get to know them’: a relational view of organizational socialization. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), 27-43. This article looked at socialisation of new comers into a large organization. Although it focused primarily on the interaction with individuals and groups it did high light the importance of learning for the new […]
Natarajan & Nagar (2011)
Natarajan, N. K., & Nagar, D. (2011). Induction Age, Training Duration & Job Performance on Organizational Commitment & Job Satisfaction. Indian Journal Of Industrial Relations, 46(3), 491-497. This article looked at the influence of induction age, training duration and job permanence of organisational commitment and job satisfaction employees of a large public sector organization. I showed that early induction training […]
Grix 2002
Grix J. (2002), Introducing Students to the Generic Terminology of Social Research, Politics 22-3 P. 175-186, Blackwell Publishers Ltd. This article gave a very good overview and definition of Ontology – Epistemology – Methodology – Methods and Sources for research. It also presents a graph from Hay, 2002 p 64., that sums it up very well, which is reproduced […]
Beyond the GUI: It’s Time for a Conversational User Interface
Kaplan, R. (2013). Beyond the GUI: It’s Time for a Conversational User Interface. WIRED. In this article the author highlights how the Graphical User Interface (GUI) revolutionised personal computing. However it has become so complex trying to display too much information, this coupled with smaller screen sizes of mobile devices is causing serious problems. […]
The 7-Day Digital Diet
Wayne T. (2014), The 7-Day Digital Diet,, The New York Times, Published FEB. 7 2014, accessed 15 February 2014 In class discussed on 11 February 2014 Kevin refereed to this article in the New York Times. it was about a journalist who restricted his use of technology, referring to the disconnection model, for […]
Speech regocnition translation
Here is a YouTube clip of Microsoft’s Chief Research Officer Richard Rashid demonstrating a speech recognition breakthrough via machine translation that converts his spoken English words into computer-generated Chinese language.