Speech regocnition translation
Here is a YouTube clip of Microsoft’s Chief Research Officer Richard Rashid demonstrating a speech recognition breakthrough via machine translation that converts his spoken English words into computer-generated Chinese language.
Virtual Assistants Enter the Enterprise
Aquino, J. (2012). VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS ENTER THE ENTERPRISE (Vol. 16, pp. 30-34): Information Today Inc. This article explores several virtual digital assistant, which are Nina – Siri – Lexee – Sophia, telephone applications. They are voice activated systems via telephone and can be used to book flights, make hotel reservations, retrieve bank balance, produce sales […]
Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world
From the outset Jane set herself a massive task of saving the world in reality just as gamers save the world in the virtual reality. As a gamer I think Jane makes a lot of very interesting points about how experiences in the gaming virtual world can help in the real world. It is a […]
Tech Finds Its Voice: The Future of Virtual Assistants.
Bajarin, B 2014, ‘Tech Finds Its Voice: The Future of Virtual Assistants’, Time.Com, p. 1, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 10 February 2014. This article details how smart phone are not really that smart. They process data we give them OK but they do not make decisions based on it, for example they are smart […]
Is Google Making us Stupid?
Carr N. (2008), Is Google Making us Stupid?, Atlantic Magazine, July-August, Vol. 302 Issue 1, p56-63. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2008/07/is-google-making-us-stupid/6868/ The title of this article is thought provoking, when I initially read it I though NO. As far as I can read the author is arguing that with the internet, not just Google, so readily available to […]
Trends in eLearning – Week 2 – 4 Feb 2014
This week we looked at the 2014 Horizon Report for Higher education and discussed MOOCs. We looked at the 2014 report and discussed the key trends, challenges and time to adoption horizons. In the key trends it was clear to me that the fast trends will feed the mid-range trends and these will feed the […]
I tried a MOOC
Through work I came across a company in Galway offering their version of MOOCs, the site is http://alison.com. I completed a course on Google Apps and passed the assessment, this was a series of questions and I was able to guess a few. The course consisted of a number of video files about Google […]
MOOC stands for Massive – Open – Online – Course. See also What is a MOOC I Tried a MOOC I found this image on Wikipedia that I thought was a describer of it. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:MOOC_poster_mathplourde.jpg Creative Commons license CC-BY. Author Mathieu Plourde {(Mathplourde on Flickr)}
2014 NMC Horizon Report – Higher Education Edition
Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., Freeman, A. (2014). NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. The Horizon Report is an internationally recognised report that identifies and describes emerging technologies. The research is done online amongst a panel of 53 experts in many fields including education and […]