Trends in eLearning Reflection
This module was very interesting. I got to know more about the Horizon Report and Gartner Hype Cycle. It was interesting to see what the experts think about emerging technologies. The format of the classes was different, we discussed different emergeant technologies each week. The first week I remembered Taylorism from my HR Degree days […]
Trends in eLearning – Week 5 – 25 Feb 2014
Presentation Week!!! I learnt a lot from all the presentations of the others in the class. I was interested in hearing about flipped classrooms, BYOD and learning analytics. I had thought of doing something on BYOD and the fact that on the Gartner Hype Cycle BYOD will reach it plateau before BYOD strategy does, however […]
Virtual Assistant Presentation
Here is the video presentation I have prepared for the assignment for the Trends in eLearning module. I used Moovly for the first time as part of this assignment, I wanted to learn how to use a tool such as this. While preparing for the peer review session on 25 February 2014 […]
Beyond the GUI: It’s Time for a Conversational User Interface
Kaplan, R. (2013). Beyond the GUI: It’s Time for a Conversational User Interface. WIRED. In this article the author highlights how the Graphical User Interface (GUI) revolutionised personal computing. However it has become so complex trying to display too much information, this coupled with smaller screen sizes of mobile devices is causing serious problems. […]
2013 Gartners Hype Cycle – Emergent Technologies
Trends in eLearning – Week 4 – 18 Feb 2014
This week we did a recap of a few issues before our presentations next week!!!! Kevin asked everyone to confirm which topic they picked and what they were using to present the information. I informed him I was looking at the Virtual assistant and I wanted to use an animated presentation website as I have […]
My experience of trying Moovly was a positive one. I originally recorded a presentation using a voice over but after peer feed back I re-recorded it as the voice over was rushed. All in all I did two recordings, see here, and think the second one was definitely worth the effort. Moovly is a video […]
The 7-Day Digital Diet
Wayne T. (2014), The 7-Day Digital Diet,, The New York Times, Published FEB. 7 2014, accessed 15 February 2014 In class discussed on 11 February 2014 Kevin refereed to this article in the New York Times. it was about a journalist who restricted his use of technology, referring to the disconnection model, for […]
Trends in eLearning – Week 3 – 11 Feb 2014
This week we discussed Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and how thery fit in to the education system in general. Most of the discussion was in favour of MOOC as they give students access to reputable colleges without having to be on campus. they can be done in the student free time giving greater flexibility […]