Nielsen’s Heuristics
Jakob Nielsen’s heuristics are probably the most-used usability heuristics for user interface design. Nielsen developed the heuristics based on work together with Rolf Molich in 1990.[1][2] The final set of heuristics that are still used today were released by Nielsen in 1994.[3] The evaluation Tool evaluates 10 properties: Visibility of system status Match between system […]
Just remember the SMAC
I attended a talk last night, 27 May 2014 in the Irish Times Training Building, where Tim Hynes the Director Business Relationship Management for Microsoft IT was interviewed by Irish Times Senior Business Correspondent, Tom Lyons, about his leadership insights and industry trends. It was very interesting to hear how Tim started his career in the 1980’s after […]
Instructional Design and eAuthoring References
Allen M. (2007), Designing Successful e-Learning: Forget What You Know About Instructional Design and Do Something Interesting, Pfeiffer, San Franciso. Bentosela M., Barrera G., Jakovcevic A, Elgier A.M., Mustaca A.E. (2008), Effect of reinforcement, reinforcer omission and extinction on a communicative response in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris), Behavioural Processes, Volume 78, Issue 3, July 2008, Pages 464-469. […]
Instructional Design and eAuthoring Week 7 – 10 December 2013
Today Damien broke his own rules and gave us handouts of the powerpoint slide, but he did inform us there was more information on his than on the handout. He explained that he has 10 slides explaining certain aspects on screen they would be a list of 10 on one slide in the handouts. I […]
Technology Pitch
As part of the Instructional Design and eAuthoring Module we had to do a 2 minute technology pitch on a tool of out choice. I chose WordPress as I believe it is a fantastic tool. Please see video below: However I forgot to mention the platforms,
Instructional Design and eAuthoring Module Reflection
Introduction During the first week of this module we were split into groups and asked to develop an elearning resource. After some discussion in my group the topic changed to owning a dog, I had recently bought a new puppy and told the group about trying to toilet train him. Other members of the […]
Instructional Design and eAuthoring
Damien’s lecture style is very different to what I am use to, it was such a shock to have someone so lively (no offence to other lecturers) and bubbly at the top of the room and the statements that go against the grain are fantastic; like only do what you need to do; its pass/fail […]
Instructional Design and eAuthoring Week 4 – 19 Nov 2013
This week a previous student from the course, Michael Seery, gave us a a talk on how he found the course and the project he had done as part of the final year. His group design an elearning module on becoming an eTeacher. He said he found it very interesting and showed the site, based […]
Cognitive Load Theory
In cognitive psychology, cognitive load is the load related to the executive control of working memory (WM). Theories contend that during complex learning activities the amount of information and interactions that must be processed simultaneously can either under-load, or overload the finite amount of working memory one possesses. All elements must be processed before meaningful learning can continue (Paas el […]
Gagne’s 9 Steps of Instruction (Instructional Design)
Gagné Nine Events of Instructional Design According to Gagné, learning occurs in a series of learning events. Each of nine learning events are conditions for learning which must be accomplished before the next in order for learning to take place, termed . Similarly, instructional events should mirror the learning events: Gaining attention: To ensure reception […]
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