Posts by Hugh:
Beattie (2006)
This article highlights the significance the manger plays in helping people develop. They are the facilitators of learning in the work place.
I believe that as the managers role is so critical then a tool such as Moodle can only help in the delivery of training to newcomers into an organisation.
Korte (2010)
Korte, R. (2010). ‘First, get to know them’: a relational view of organizational socialization. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), 27-43. This article looked at socialisation of new comers into a large organization. Although it focused primarily on the interaction with individuals and groups it did high light the importance of learning for the new […]
Natarajan & Nagar (2011)
Natarajan, N. K., & Nagar, D. (2011). Induction Age, Training Duration & Job Performance on Organizational Commitment & Job Satisfaction. Indian Journal Of Industrial Relations, 46(3), 491-497. This article looked at the influence of induction age, training duration and job permanence of organisational commitment and job satisfaction employees of a large public sector organization. I showed that early induction training […]
Steward et., al., (2007)
Stewart, B., Briton, D., Gismondi, M., Heller, B., Kennepohl, D., McGreal, R., & Nelson, C. (2007). Choosing MOODLE: An Evaluation of Learning Management Systems at Athabasca University. International Journal Of Distance Education Technologies, 5(3), 1-7. In this article the authors compared three Learning Management Systems (WebCt, LotusNotes, and Moodle) to see which would best […]
Qualitative research
Qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences. The choice between qualitative and quantitative research relates to how the research conceptualizes the world (Silverman, 2013). Qualitative data is derived from many sources but mainly text and images (Creswell, 2009) (Flick, 2007) (Berg & Lune, 2014). Qualitative researchers […]
Why Moodle?
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform has used Moodle to manage its elearning for a number of years. Other Departments, Revenue Commissioners – Social Protections – Defence, also use Moodle. To ensure consistency and to enable sharing of courses I was informed that Moodle would be the Learning Management System (LMS) of choice for […]
Graf & List (2005)
Graf, S. &List, B.(2005) An evaluation of open source e-learning platforms stressing adaptation issues. Advanced Learning Technologies, 2005. ICALT 2005, P163 – 165. This paper presents an evaluation of nine open source elearning platforms, or Learning Management Systems. The main focus is on adaptation issues. The result of the evaluation shows that the platform Moodle outperforms all […]
Research Methods Week 7 – 10 June 2014
Project presentation week. This week we had to present our project ideas to our cohort for peer feedback. The week previous we submitted an outline to our tutors and I received some very good feedback that helped form my presentation. I also contributed to others suggesting improvements that may help. After my presentation I received […]
Research Methods Week 6 – 3 June 2014
This week we looked at validity and reliability as well as ethic approvals. Validity It was stated that validity is quality control for your research. Validity encompasses the entire experimental concept and establishes whether the results obtained meet all of the rigors of the scientific research method. For example, there must have been randomization of the sample […]
Research Methods Week 5 – 27 May 2014
This session was very informative as we looked at data collection and the merits of the various tools available to us. We looked at: questionnaires surveys interview On questionnaires we looked at different examples from Clive Opie’s (2004) book on doing Educational Research looking at how questions were constructed with examples of good and bad. […]