Hello and welcome
This blog site is an electronic portfolio of the work I have done for the MSc in applied eLearning in Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT). I undertook the course to become more familiar with elearning tools and delivery methods, you will see more detailed information in the Why am I doing the Course post.
The course was a very intense two years with lots of good information packed into it. The content was delivery very efficiently and I never felt overwhelmed despite the intensity. The support given was excellent with regular feedback helping you along the way. You can see a more detailed reflection here.
My biggest take away from the course was that elearning is just learning with an e in front of it. That e standing for electronic and relates to how the knowledge will be imparted, i.e. the tools used. The design phase training intervention will remain the same, however in the case of my work we will start to employ more collaborative practices.
To navigate the site please see the top menu where the all the information can be accessed. Alternatively the menus to right list the Most Recent Posts, Modules and Categories. By clicking one of these you can find all the post related to that area.
At the top of each Module page is a list of links that will take you directly to relevant information.

1 Comment
Hello Hugh,
I am writing with some feedback on your e-portfolio. Very well done on the great design and layout, you have really exploited the WordPress functionality very well here. Everything is taking shape well too, in terms of pages for each module, and the accompanying blog posts. There is a good range of media in use, and I know you will add to this as the weeks progress. The reflective writing is starting to develop well as you engage with each part of the course. You might want to make some direct links from your main module information (e.g. on the individual learning theories) to your reflections, to help the reader navigate? But think about this, things are still at an early enough stage. The main point of feedback I have is to keep going with this approach as the eportfolio is developing very well.